StockScouter Portfolio Performance

StockScouter Portfolios

July 1, 2001 – December 31, 2020

Top 50 All Cap

Top 30 Large Cap

Top 30 Mid Cap

Top 30 Small Cap

Top 30 Dividend

Average 1-year Returns






Relative 1-year Returns







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The StockScouter Top 30/50 Portfolios are intended to assist investors in their efforts to identify stocks with good fundamentals, reasonable valuation and a higher than average probability of outperformance relative to the overall equity market. Please see our disclaimer.

To be included in a Top 30/50 Portfolio, stocks must meet the following criteria:

  • Closing price >= $3.00

  • Overall StockScouter score > 7

Stock are then ranked via a proprietary combination of their Overall StockScouter scores and their Style, Sector and Size scores.

We calculate the StockScouter Portfolios’ performance as follows:

  • The StockScouter rating system went live on MSN Money on July 1, 2001.

  • From that date to current, on the first trading day of each month, each portfolios’ stocks are chosen.

  • Stocks within each portfolio are equal weighted and held for a year and one day.

  • Therefore, for each portfolio strategy, there are 12 overlapping portfolios at any given time.

  • The performance displayed is the average of all of portfolios for which we have full-year returns.

  • The relative performance is the difference between the average of the StockScouter portfolio full year returns and those of the most comparable liquid and low fee ETFs. For the Top 50 and Top 30 Dividend Portfolios, an average of large, mid and small cap ETF returns is used.

  • Performance numbers exclude transaction costs and taxes.

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Disclaimer: StockScouter is a registered trademark of Verus Analytics, Inc. All Verus Analytics materials available through this site are published solely for informational purposes and are not to be construed as advice or a recommendation to specific individuals. Individuals should take into account their personal financial circumstances in acting on any rankings or stock selections provided by Verus Analytics. Verus Analytics makes no representations that the techniques used in its rankings or selections will result in or guarantee profits in trading. Trading involves risk, including possible loss of principal and other losses, and past performance is no indication of future results. Verus Analytics may have previously distributed the information in its reports and analyses in different forms. The owners and executives of Verus Analytics and its partners 1) may own individual stocks rated by the StockScouter system, 2) have no influence on the ratings, and 3) do not act on ratings changes before they are made publicly available.